
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

An Open Letter

Dear Ex, your girlfriend, and your friends,

I’m writing to you today to let you know that it’s ok. It’s ok that, even though almost 2 years has passed, you still read my tweets and my blog. It’s ok that I get to hear my tweets repeated back to me by your father, who has no idea what twitter even is and could only have heard about what I wrote because you told him.

It’s ok – I’m not angry anymore. I’m actually quite flattered that you still care enough to read about how my day is going and what’s going on in my life. I know, it would be terribly inappropriate for you to discuss anything I say on twitter, because you know I’ll just repeat our conversation on twitter, then your girlfriend will know that we’ve spoken and that you still care about me. Then she’ll get all angry and cause you grief and she’ll cry and that will make you feel bad. So, it’s ok that you don’t talk to me about what I tweet about.

It’s ok that your girlfriend reads my tweets too. It’s ok because I’ve learned something very important in the last few weeks. I completely stopped visiting your twitter pages a few weeks ago, and the anxiety that has been lifted from my life has been so tremendous! I’ve focused more on my relationship with my children and my new family. The time I spent brooding over what y’all think has been replaced with thoughts of rainbows and butterflies and just about everything else that is more important then thinking about what y’all thought. (For the record, that would be everything) I learned that the only thing y’all thought about me was destructive filth and I just didn’t need it! So, it’s ok that your girlfriend still reads my twitter and my blog because the more she reads it the more she’s emotionally invested in my life and that is destructive to her well being and your relationship. Although, I do wonder if you cut me out of the picture what would be left between you two? Probably nothing. You’re welcome for keeping you two together! Seriously, don’t ever stop reading my twitter. It’s your mutual hate for me that bonds you two together and I’d hate for you guys to break up cause then you’d be all lonely and sad and you’d start texting me and trying to be nice and stuff and nobody wants that. Mostly me. This is a purely selfish request. One I’m sure you don’t mind fulfilling. Thank you!

So, to wrap up this letter – thanks for doing me a favor and reading my tweets and my blog. I’m much obliged. Although, if you wish to discuss anything I’ve tweeted that you don’t wish for your girlfriend to know about, just ask me nicely not to repeat it on twitter. I’ll honor your request. Promise! But, I will tell Kurt that we’ve spoken. Hope that’s ok. Now, if you don’t mind (and you clearly don’t) – I have awesome to tweet about.


Your ex

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