
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Grown Up Things

It’s probably no secret that I resist being a grown up. Grown ups are just so… responsible! They pay bills, clean house, do yard work and car maintenance, and tell kids NO! Yeah, I know – kids need boundaries and blah blah blah – whatever. Being a grown up is suckage, so I minimize the grown up-ness of life as much as possible.

I’d rather be outside throwing a football to my boys, or riding a ripstick in and through the neighborhood with them on their scooters next to me. We learn valuable lessons, like there is no crying in ripsticking / skateboarding / scootering / bike riding. Yes, I’m a mom who throws a football (not well) and skateboards (fairly well). Someone has to teach these boys to do boy things. We also cook and bake together, play video games and watch tv. Kids are so much cooler than grown ups.

When grown up things come up and I have to deal with them, I deal with them. Bills get paid twice a month. I transfer money and forget about it. If money is tight, I don’t spend any. I made a budget once and for the most part, I stick to it. The kids help with house and yard work, and laundry. Mostly so that I can lesson the burden on myself, but also to teach them responsibility or some crap like that. When the car needs an oil change, I take the kiddo so we can play games and take silly pictures on my phone and goof off.

Basically, while being a grown up is sometimes necessary, I find ways to cope with the responsibilities of it all so I can get back to being normal. And sometimes along the way, I get a chance to pass on my pearls of wisdom on how not to be a grown up.

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